Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

I got a phone call today....from the computer repair store! My laptop is ready to pick up tomorrow....new hard drive and all.
So...tomorrow I will be ready to tackle blogging again!
And I have some fun things to talk about....oh yes I do!
I have been a busy little bee! You will see.
Stay tuned!


  1. We just got a new hard drive after a bunch of strange noises and then a file with a question mark appeared on the screen. Luckily we were only one week out of warranty, so they covered it! Yay for you for getting your computer back!

    No WIP tomorrow at Lee's--but you're on my "internal" WIP list. I like checking your blog. So I'll check back tomorrow and see what's up.

    Elizabeth E.

  2. Oh wow - you are still without? Looking forward to you jumping back in. Got lots to show?
    other side of the lake from you...
    : )

  3. Yay you are getting your computer back tomorrow, do you feel as if you have lost an arm without it - I would lol.

  4. looking forward to your return Flo!


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