We are still relaxing and enjoying our time in Maui...it really is a paradise!
Maui (the island in red) is the second largest island in the Hawaii chain.

Maui has a population of appox 145,000 people, and over 2 million tourists visit every year!!
Maui (the island in red) is the second largest island in the Hawaii chain.

Maui has a population of appox 145,000 people, and over 2 million tourists visit every year!!
It is called the "Valley Isle" because of the large valley formed by the two volcanoes. The larger, younger volcano to the east, Haleakalā, rises to more than 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above sea level, and measures 5 miles (8.0 km) from sea-floor to summit, making it one of the world's highest mountains. Maui's last eruption occurred around 1790.
The view at the top of Haleakala is quite amazing! I looks like a moonscape! It is very cold up there too! A huge change from the temperature at the beach :)
Maui is also the destination for the Humpback whales. The whales migrate approximately 3,500 miles (5,600 km) from Alaskan waters each autumn and spend the winter months mating and birthing in the warm waters off Maui, most leaving by the end of April. There are estimated to be about 10,000 humpbacks in the North Pacific.
From the beach you can almost always see evidence of the whales, and watching them breach is a favourite activity !
I have lots of pictures of the big splash ...after the whale has breached!! It is very tough to catch a picture like this!!
Another favourite activity is snorkelling off the beach.The water is generally clear, and there are lots of very pretty colourful fish. (I dont have an underwater camera, so these pictures are from Maui travel sites)

and the highlight is seeing a green turtle..

They are very large, and just seem to glide through the water!
Another amazing thing about snorkelling is you can hear the whales "singing" under water!!
I am not sure if this will work..but I found this Utube that is recording a whale song..
Anyway, hope you enjoyed spending some time on Maui with me!! We are enjoying it..especially since it is about -30C (22 below F) at home right now!! and snowing !!