Tuesday, January 22, 2013

applique update

I have posted before about my attempt at needle turn appliqué....the Webster's Tulips..from the book "Four Seasons of Quilts"
It was designed by Blue Meadows Designs, which I am sad to hear have closed their blog and online store.

 Anyway, she said that this pattern was inspired and named in honour of  Marie Webster, an American quilt designer who had a quilt pattern business at the beginning of the 1900's.  You can see some of the original quilts here.  The original Webster tulip pattern was called Wind Blown Tulips

                                                image from::  https://www.practicalpatchwork.com/gardenpatterns.html

I am still working away at this sporadically..and some of the time, it is easier!! I still have some problems with the points though.

I thought I was doing well, getting several of these blocks finished..but when I laid them out, it looks like I have a long way to go !!

Guess I can post this as a WIP for a very, very long time !!

Linking up to The Needle and Thread Network..

and WIP Wed..


  1. Your blocks are beautiful Flo! And everyone needs a consistent and reliable WIP, lol!

  2. keep at it and you will get done eventually! it looks great to me.

  3. one stitche at a time and you will be surprised at how fast it can get done.... it will be a tresure when ever it is done .... enjoy the process
    in stitches

  4. There may be a long way to go, but think of the satisfaction when you have finished! How many oter people could do it? It will be beautiful

  5. Stopping over from Freshly Pieced. They look great! Keep plugging along lol.

  6. Gorgeous blocks. I would like to try needleturn applique, but have always used paper. New adventure :)

  7. I've enjoyed watching your progress on these tulips, from the very first block to now. I think you've made great strides! This quilt is lovely--so let us enjoy your continued journey with you. Well done!

    Elizabeth E.

  8. It IS very pretty, so looking at it for a while will be nice! :)

  9. Wow, it is beautiful, Flo! I hear you about needle turn. I struggle with my Stained Glass tulips. Yours will be gorgeous -- you can do it!

  10. You do very nice applique. I have never done needle turn, since it seems the most difficult of all the applique methods. Yours is lovely.


  11. It will be beautiful when your finished and what an accomplishment.

  12. Beautiful! I haven't done needle turned applique before but its on my list to learn.

  13. You'll get there. The quilt will be worth the wait!

  14. Wonderful! The end result will be so worth it.

  15. Very pretty! Such a long-term project is nice to have around for taking breaks from other things.....

  16. What beautiful progress though! Keep working on it because it's amazing so far!

  17. One step at a time. Applique is so hard to do and it is only practice that will make us better. You have the perfect project to perfect your technique. Beautiful!

  18. Wow! That patience of a saint! It's going to be beautiful!

  19. It looks beautiful! It does get easier with time and practice, but your looks are looking fabulous already!


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