Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blogathon Canada 2013 - Saskatchewan !

******prize draw is now closed*****

Greetings from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan! And welcome to the next page of Blogathon Canada sponsored by Sew Sisters Quilt Shop.

If it is your first time here - welcome- and I hope you enjoy your stay here in Saskatchewan...the "Land of the Living Skies", and home to the RCMP, the Saskatchewan Roughriders, and the 2013 Grey Cup final (which we are playing in....Yeah..Go Riders!!)
image description
We have endless miles of wheat and canola fields, northern forests and lakes, lots of recreation opportunities - fishing, hunting, camping, biking, hiking, golfing...and of course QUILTING!!

If you are new to my blog, please pour yourself a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine !! ) and stay awhile.  I started quilting about 3 years ago, and started this blog about the same time.  I found that the online blogging community was a wealth of knowledge and talent..... I learned so much!!  My blog originally documented my struggles and  mistakes....and some of my successes too!   I must say that sometimes I still consider myself a beginner when I look at all of the amazing, creative people out there! But I have learned a lot and progressed in both skill and confidence.

My favourite quilt from this summer must be this one  (PB&J)...

This was a gift for a friend who kindly took my daughter and her boyfriend and puppy into her home when they lost theirs in the Calgary flood in June.
I am kind of fascinated with  triangles right now!!!

I also joined my very first QAL this year with Melissa from Happy Quilting...and made this Star Surround..

I am dabbling in needle turn appliqué! This is long, long term project..but it is coming along!

For short, quick projects I have made a few cushions..

and I also love making bags...

and tote bags..

Anyway, please feel free to look around at previous posts and see what I have been creating.
But now....on to the exciting part.....the giveaway!!

Sew Sisters Quilt Shop has very generously donated this bundle of fat quarters of a new line called  Bluebird Park.   There are 8 fat quarters plus a half metre of the City Park fabric!!
I really love these colours....think I might just have to get some of this for myself too :)

******prize draw is now closed*****

The rules:
1) Because this is such a fun travelling tour,  leave a comment telling me where you live!(International entries welcome!)
2) if you are a follower, or a  new follower, you may leave a second comment telling me that.
3) be sure you include your email if you are a no reply blogger.  If not, I will need to make another draw.
4) Contest closes at the end of the Blogathon- midnight Nov 23, and the winner will be announced on Nov 24.  Good luck!

ALSO....  Aurifil is sponsoring a giveaway over at the Sew Sisters hop on over and check that one out too.

Today also features Kathy, in Manitoba, so visit her corner of  Canada too, over at Tamarack Shack.

And are some other great Saskatchewan quilters to check out (in no particular order...I don't do alphabetical LOL) ...lots of talent here !

Monika at My Sweet Prairie  - amazing fibre artist, photographer and check out the handmade postcards!
Carly at Citric Sugar  - funny, inspiring and very original work
Patti at Retired to Quilt  - wow...very productive...lots of great ideas here
Hayley at Mrs Pickles Garden  - not only quilting, but lots of gardening tips too !
Annette at In Stitches and Seams - shares lots of fun blog hops...great stuff!
Heather at Peace, Love, Quilt  - inspiring quilts, crafts and great photography too.
Sam at the Quilting Curve - This blog has some very unique and creative quilts.
Conni at My Creative Side - loves all kinds of crafty stuff.
Kate at A Sometimes Quilter - quilting...and a beautiful new baby to boot.
Jeane at Samatha's House - quilting and knitting...and really, really cute little doll quilts and knitted outfits!
Christa at Second Story Quilting...a fun blog of quilting and life on the Saskatchewan prairies.
Kate at By the Babbling Brooke.. lots of different crafty things to see here.


  1. I LOVE Bluebird Park! I am enjoying this blogathon! (I am from GA) thanks for a chance to win!

  2. Lovely work - really adore the applique. I am in the UK and just discovering the blogosphere! Thank you

  3. Love your blog! I too am fascinated by blogs and love spending time in them. Its amazing how generous people can be in what they share with you. You included. Thank you from someone in Prince Edward Island!

  4. I love your beautiful quilts. I have so enjoyed meeting the Canadian quilters. I live in the sunshine state of Florida :-)

  5. such a great blog hop - thanks for sharing all your lovely work with us. I live in Indonesia.

  6. Hello from mid-Michigan--I live in the middle of the mitten, but vacation on Lake Superior where I can see Canada (Ontario) from my driveway ;-)) Love your quilts! Keep up the great work on the needleturn project--it's gorgeous!

  7. I'm a newcomer to your site (but I'll be back!!).

  8. Love your tote bags. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Love your work and no matter where you flit you do great work. Good luck on your Masters.

  10. I'm from Saskatchewan originally, but have lived in Calgary for a few years now.

    Your triangle and star surround quilts are so beautiful! Love those. I really like the applique one too - it's going to look incredible, finished!


  11. Hello from Nova Scotia! . Love the bird cushion and your applique tulips are just wonderful. Enjoy your Hop Day!

  12. I have been following for a long time.

  13. I don't leave comments all the time but I do love looking at your blog and it looks like you have a lovely giveaway - please count me in. I am from Arkansas US

  14. Loving all your projects. I'm a neighbour since I live in Saskatchewan.

  15. hi from a fellow canadian. i am from montreal! You work is lovely, especially your needle turn applique project!

  16. Hi, Flo. I'm from Manitoba, Great stuff and I see your applique flower blocks are really coming along! The give away is wonderful colours.

  17. I live in Illinois very close to the Mississippi River.

  18. Hello from eastern Pennsylvania. Can not wait too click through on your list of Saskatchewan blogs. This Blogathon has lead me to lots of new blogs to follow!

  19. Hi Flo, I am originally from Brazil, but living in Toronto, ON.. I really liked the needle turn appliqué and the tote bags!!

  20. Blogathon has given me an opportunity to find your blog, I am now a new follower :)

  21. Beautiful quilts! You are very talented. I live in a small town in Alberta.

  22. Your work is gorgeous. I really like your Stars Surround quilt. The bird cushion is darling too.

  23. Just wanted to say "Hi Blogathon Neighbour" ! Enjoyed reading your post and looking at all your quilt pictures! Enjoy the day!

  24. I love your quilts. I am just starting out learning needle turned applique and love it so far. I am from Arkansas.

  25. I am a new follower. Thanks for being part of this tour.

  26. I am from just up the highway in P.A.! Love that triangle quilt -- I think I need to try one.

  27. Yes GO RIDERS!!!! Your PB&J quilt looks great, usually I am not drawn tot he triangle quilts, but yours looks great!! You are SO right about the wealth of information on the other quilt blogs!!

  28. I live in central Kansas in the USA.

  29. I'm a new excited follower. Thanks and the fabric is to die for. Love the colors.

  30. Thanks for sharing your work. I'm from vancouver island in BC.

  31. I live in Sacramento, California. Thank you for sharing your blog.

  32. i live in the exact geographical center of BC...logging and farming are the biggest industries here...cold winters...usually warm dry summers...

  33. Gorgeous fabric giveaway. Thanks so much for hosting, I love this blogathon so great to meet other Canadian quilters :) Love your work, I too make bags and quilts..lots of quilts. I live in Dawson Creek BC...lot's of farming , oil patch activity and logging in our area. Lot's of wilderness...I often think our area is much like the northern part of Saskatchewan. My fathers parents were from MacDowell, my partner from Eastend :)

  34. Love the fabric's you've chosen to give away. I'm from central Alberta, just about an hour north of Edmonton. Cold and snowy here today.

  35. Hi! I am from Mississauga, Ontario. I love your PB&J quilt. I live near Sew Sisters Quilt Shop and would love to win anything from the Bluebird Park line of fabric.

  36. Hello from Eugene Oregon. It is great to see your Star Surround quilt again. It was my first QAL too!

  37. Hello: I am from Nova Scotia and love your work. What an inspiration to a not so new to it quilter that is not very adventurous.

  38. I live in Northern Alberta! I love that fabric!

  39. This line is stunning! I'm from Quebec Canada and would love to add this to my collection!

  40. Howdy from Texas, USA...... I am enjoying the hop, its fun to see where people live faraway.. I have made several new Blog buddies this way as far as Greece. I love the way ya'll say cushion instead of Pillow like we say. Take care now

  41. I am so happy to have found you..I live in southeast Saskatchewan...will try and follow you..I also quilt to favorite gifts are homemade..

  42. I live in a small town in Kentucky. You have a lot of lovely projects -- I'd say it's a lot of success in just a few years! Bluebird Park is one of my favorite lines right now, sure would love to have some! Thanks a lot for the chance.

  43. I'm a new follower to any blog. I live in Dawson Creek, B.C. in the northeastern part of the province. My favorite color is blue, so of course I love the features fabrics here.

  44. Just followed your blog as well! Yeah Canadian Crafters! :)

  45. Love that fabric! I'm trying out HST right now, so I like seeing your PB&J quilt. Hello from Vancouver, BC!

  46. Beautiful projects Flo! Enjoy your day on the bloghop. :)

  47. Love your blog, new follower and I'm from Azilda, Ontario (City of Greater Sudbury) Canada ... and yes Yeah Canadian Bloggers :)

  48. Hi, I am in Surrey, Bc. I lived in Saskatoon in the 60s and 70s. Go Riders! (now that BC is out). Even before I was half cheering for Riders so they could play at home in the Grey Cup. I am loving the Blogathon.

  49. Greetings from Langley BC! Thank you so much for this great opportunity to add more Canadian quilters to my blog list, and for the chance to win some delicious fabric!

  50. I live in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

  51. I am from Lindsay, ON . Spent some time this summer in SK and AB -- was near High River at the time of the flood. Wowzie - the pics didn't tell it all!!!Love those colours!!! and have the perfect project for them.

  52. GREAT giveaway and it is so nice to meet you. I'm in Vancouver, BC.

  53. Gorgeous quilts and great fabric in the giveaway! :) I'm from Montreal, QC.

  54. Cute fabric! I am from West Texas, USA.

  55. I'm a new follower and I'm from a small town on Vancouver Island - Saltair! I love your totes!

  56. I am a new follower of your blog!!

  57. I've been following for a while - I love your PB&J triangles!!

  58. Hi Flo. Great blog. I am originally from Saskatchewan - Rider fan to the core - GO RIDERS GO!!!!, and still get homesick for canola fields and John Deere tractors...currently in in Edmonton, via Calgary.

  59. Hi.Just discovered Sew Sisters yesterday and have had fun finding so many new Canadian blogs.I live in Ontario just outside the cute little village of Flesherton claiming to be the walking village ,home to many lovely walking trails.Lovely to see your work.Happy sewing.

  60. I am from Pickering Ontario. You have done a number of wonderful projects with just three years of quilting. Way to go!

  61. Oh, I am new to this blog! thanks for participating in this fun blogathon!

  62. White Rock, BC Canada ! Having fun following this Blogathon!

  63. I live in Luxembourg (the tiny country next to France, Belgium and Germany). Thanks for the chance to win!

  64. Oh, that package of fabrics is just too irresistible! Perfect colors for the baby room in our daughter's house! Long-time follower!

  65. Here's my second comment to let you know I am a follower with bloglovin!

    I grew up in regina, and still a proud rider fan.
    Im in northern onterio now.
    Love the triangles quilt.

  67. Hi, I'm from Denman Island BC. Thanks for the great blog

  68. I'll be following you, now that I have found you!

  69. Hi Flo, nice to meet you :) I live in Newfoundland. I visited Regina a few years ago when my stepson graduated from the RCMP academy. It was soooo hot. Your quilts are beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  70. I too have been to Regina for RCMP grad but it was well below freezing and more! I love Bluebird Park fabrics and colors. Hello from Victoria, b.c.

  71. You did a great job of selling Saskatchewan, but I am from Manitoba, relatives in Assinaboia. I am a follower of Tamerack Shack, love her blogging sight. would love to win your giveaway.

  72. Always great to find a 'new to me' blog. I'm stopping by from Caledon, Ontario (just North of Toronto). Love the bags you have made.

  73. Have signed up to follow you on Bloglovin' - so I'll be back. (laura84watt)

  74. great post! thank you for hosting and giving some fellow Saskatchewan bloggers the shout out :) I live 30mins north of Saskatoon :)

  75. Lovely projects! I'm in Toronto for most of the year, but I'm lucky enough to be able to spend a couple of months at the cottage on Lake Muskoka during the summer and fall.

  76. Wow, Flo, you are SOOOO creative! I, too, am a butterfly! I love making rag quilts (over 200 so far!), regular "less fussy" quilts, totes, bags, useful little treasures (going to steal that toothbrush washcloth idea, thanks!!)! I love to give my handmade goodies to my friends and family! I'm from the Edson, Alberta area and love winter because then I get to stay home more and sew!! Thank you for the opportunity to win these beautiful fabrics! Good luck to everyone!

  77. And now I am a follower! Thank you again!

  78. Wow, enjoyed browsing through your quilting site... great ideas to put on my list. I am from Saskatchewan and lucky to enjoy the great north. Thanks for the opportunity to enter such a great prize. I will definitely put name down to follow your blog site in future.

  79. Just finished my tour of your blog and I am impressed with your work and your blog. I live in northern Manitoba about 25 minutes away from Kathy of Tamarack Shack. Living in this area is like living in cottage country year round. I love it. Bluebird Park is luscious eye candy. I just want to reach out and touch. Thanks for hosting Saskatchewan blogs this tour.

  80. I am a new follower as of a few minutes ago and look forward to enjoying your work and posts.

  81. I am a new follower! I luv the pb and j quilt too!

  82. love the colours...have the perfect

  83. Pretty projects! I especially love your triangle quilt. Thanks for sharing your projects. I'm from a small town in Georgia.

  84. I did Star Surround too :)
    I'm from Seattle, WA USA

  85. I'm a new follower via GFC. Thanks for the chance to win.

  86. I live in Ontario....your work is lovely, as is the prize bundle you chose.

  87. hi from Surrey BC, i did the stars surround too, i was the lucky winner of the prize, it was a great time.

  88. i started following you on bloglovin, i also just started quilting about 3 years ago and love the online world, hope to start a blog in the new year.

  89. Love your appliqué project - it is so pretty!! I'm from Toronto.

  90. Love your applique project! I'm from Washington state.

  91. Live in BC and originally from Washington State. Love the variety in your projects.

  92. I live in our nation's capital (unless you go to Harvard, in which case I live in some unknown city in Ontario!).
    I can see those fabrics on a bag...or a few bags!

  93. I live in Mississauga, Ontario and love your talent! awolk at rogers dot com

  94. I live in Englehart, Northern Ontario. I love all your quilts.

  95. I live in New York in the USA. Thanks!!

  96. I am a new follower with Bloglovin. Thanks!

  97. I love bluebird park and have been eyeing it at a local shop here in North Carolina, USA

  98. Marnie from Muskoka Ontario, here.
    Love your site.

  99. lovely collection! must follow this blog!

  100. love your quilts and especially that birdie pillow. Following now too.

  101. Sunny wishes from Finnish woman living in Greece! Thank you for sharing those beautiful fabrics!

  102. Thanks for the chance I am visiting from Beautiful BC :)

  103. I'm visiting from sunny St. John's, NL
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    Following via bloglovin

  104. Dropping by from Vancouver :)
    Also loving trianges these days! Love your work, very inspiring!
    Go Roughriders!

  105. Guess I don't pay attention to what I read :) I follow your blog - rates a second entry for the giveaway

  106. I love the bundle that you have chosen. I live in Ontario, but was born in Alberta and grew up in Saskatchewan.

  107. Hi Flo! I am writing from Nova Scotia. Love the fabric bundle and your photos.

  108. Your blog is now on my list to follow. How great to find so many Canadian bloggers - the Blogathon is a great idea.

  109. I am from BC, so it's really nice to see how many Canadian bloggers we have!

  110. You have done some lovely work in 3 years. I follow from Scotland.

  111. Waving hello from a chilly Calgary! Happy to discover your blog and to see the lovely things you make, Flo. Love that special quilt made for a friend - such a lovely way to say thank-you.
    Admiring that bundle of Bluebird Park (I can't enter as a host on the hop, but I will add it to my shopping list! :o)
    Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us today!

  112. I am visiting from the Pocono Mountains in northeast Pennsylvania. It's nice to meet you!

  113. I am from North Dakota and visiting your blog for the first time. I am thinking I need to sign on as a follower.

  114. Checking in from chilly Edmonton,Alberta. Love the fabric, I collect owls and hedgehogs!

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. Ooh, I love it so much more in the summer than the winter, but I'm pretty fond of Saskatoon :) I'm from Bothell, WA, and I have a charm pack of that line and it's so cute!

  117. Checking in from Atlanta, GA! Loving the splashes of aqua in that bundle!

  118. So nice to meet you I'm from Montreal, your quilts are beautiful, I'll be back to visit again, thanks for the giveaway, it's beautiful fabric.

  119. Hi from BC (but I grew up in Saskatchewan)

  120. So nice to see you representing Saskatchewan, Flo! Of course I am from the neighbouring Manitoba :)

  121. I have enjoyed watching you grow in your skills and knowledge. It has been a joyous ride - a follower.

  122. Totally crazy as I have often read your blog but apparently I didn't "officially" follow until today?!? Well, glad I fixed that :)



  125. I live in Oxford, Mississippi, but when I was younger I lived in Goose Bay, Labrador! Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu

  126. I follow on Bloglovin'. Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu

  127. Nice to meet you. I am from Prince Edward Island.

  128. Such a fun blog hop to get to know other Canadian quilters/bloggers!
    I live in Ontario, and have been blogging fun!
    Your giveaway is fantastic... love the greys!

  129. I love needle turned applique. It is the process and it keeps my hands busy.

  130. I am a new blogger also and new to your blog. I have relatives in Sask. However, I am from Hamilton and GO Tigercats!

  131. Nice to "meet" you Flo, via this fun Blogathon! I live in Rocky Mountain House, AB.

    I love that triangle quilt in the PB&J fabrics! I finished and blogged a triangle quilt of my own yesterday :). And I love that Bluebird Park fabric. Did you know the designers, Kate and Birdie, are Canadian?

  132. Hello from the Land of the Midnight Sun!!! Thanks for the peek into your world, just so you know it's -34C with the windchill up here in the Yukon and it's blizzarding.

    I enjoyed taking a look at your quilts but I have to say...I LOVE YOUR DONKEY! She's adorable and looks right at home.

  133. Hi, I'm back to let you know I'm a new follower. Still from the Yukon Territory and still cold.

  134. Love your quilts. I live in Ontario and I belong to the Chatham Kent Quilters' Guild.

  135. Hello from New Orleans, LA where it is most definitely NOT cold! Been enjoying the tour of Canada-I've visited east and west sides but not so much the middle. Looks like I need to correct that!

  136. Thanks for hosting SAskatchewan which is where I live! I LOVE the blue bird collection!!

  137. Saskatchewan is where I live. It's nice to meet Canadian quilters. THanks for giveaway.

  138. I'm in Atlanta, GA. It's not cold here...well, it is by southern US standards, but not in the real sense.

  139. Port Hope, Ontario. I'm in the hop on Saturday. No snow yet, but getting cold at night.

  140. Love the fabrics and I love the bird pillow, how cute!

  141. I live in Halifax and had a great visit on your blog!

  142. Your appliqué quilt is gorgeous. I live in Oshawa just outside of Toronto.

  143. I'm from Conestogo, Ontario, a one stop light town and hour west of Toronto

  144. Hi Flo glad to be apart of the hop with you all.
    Of course I am a follower and love stopping in to see what you are up how your applique is coming along.
    in stitches

  145. I live in Boston, USA. Love your triangle quilt!

  146. ahhh, love your tulip applique! am cutting a needle turn project now, here in the gorgeous kenai peninsula town of Soldotna, Alaska.

  147. Love your projects. You are certainly multi-talented! I live in Port Hawkesbury, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia!

  148. I am a new-comer from Manitoba. Love this fabric!!!

  149. I am a new-comer from Manitoba. Love this fabric!!!

  150. Hi Flo,
    I have followed your blog for awhile now- I haven't been reading blogs very often lately- not enough time so I am enjoying catching up with some of my Canadian blogging friends on this hop. I live in Edmonton and do enjoy quilting. Thanks for participating in the hop.
    Regards from Alberta,

  151. I am a long time follower of your blog- Wishing your rough riders good luck in the Grey Cup this weekend.

  152. Your work is really beautiful Flo. Thanks for being our SK rep this year and I'm checking in from Swift Current in South SK. This is a beautiful fabric collection.

  153. I live in Beautiful BC Chilliwack and never been in the prairies. Maybe one day!

  154. I am from Eastern Ontario, about an hour from Ottawa.

  155. I love the little hedgehogs! So cute! I made a quilt with weenie dogs on it and I love it so much. I'm reading from Ottawa, but my sister and her family live in Gravelbourg, SK. So I've definitely visited your part of the world! Go Riders!

  156. I am a new follower. Your quilts and projects are lovely.

  157. I live in the U.S., but one of my best friends is Canadian and says I'm allowed to be an honorary citizen. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  158. Great blog Flo! I'm in Ontario & have been all my life. I have roots in Saskatchewan, my paternal grandmother originated from, hmm, I believe it was Rosetown. Thanks for a chance at the give-away!
    mgw070 at shaw dot ca

  159. I am happy to have found you & am a follower! Thanks for a second chance at the give-away!
    mgw070 at shaw dot ca

  160. I live in North Vancouver ... So much fun to see all these Canadian blogs I hadn't discovered! Thank you! I love your triangles quilt ... I love playing with them too! And you birdies cushion - adorable!

  161. Hi from Northeastern Wyoming, USA

  162. Hello from Vancouver BC. Good luck in Grey Cup this weekend!

  163. Hello from Mission, BC. I love you triangle quilt.

  164. Gorgeous quilts, thanks for sharing your work with us.

    1. I hate the cold weather,but this Hoosier is loving these prints!

  165. I am in McBride BC - a little piece of heaven in the mountains

  166. I'm in Cranbrook, B. C. I love "meeting" fellow Canadian quilters. I love your work. Thanks for the giveaway.

  167. I'm a new follower. Love your cushion!

  168. I'm beginning to enjoy blogging. Never had done it before this blog-a-thon. Your quilts are stunning. Thank you for sharing.

  169. I live in Wichita, Kansas for 36 years after growing up in Minnesota.

  170. I am a new follower via GFC. I browsed your blog a bit, love your work.

  171. Coming to you from the blog hop. Love your quilts, pillow and bags! I'm from New Mexico, USA. Thanks!


Please leave a comment or just say hello....It's nice to know I am not talking to myself!