Monday, November 25, 2013

getting organized

I am finding that I have bits of paper all over my work area. I print off free patterns and tutorials, just in case I want to make them. I still like having a paper copy to refer to as I am working.

So I decided to get a bit more organized. I went out and purchased a 3-ring binder, and some plastic page protectors..

So now each pattern has a home..

and it is all neat and tidy!!

Of course I didn't go so far as to organize the they are all jumbled up in there, but at least they are all in one place now!   That might be a project for another day :)


  1. Good idea! And a pretty binder. I have a lot of stuff stored on my computer, but I'm always scared of a hard drive failure!

  2. I do that too! And it took me almost 10 years to sort through my "patterns" and organize according to project. So no rush, lol!

  3. I did that very thing about a month ago! I now need a second binder for all the quilts on my 'To Do' list that I've printed off since then! LOL!


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