Saturday, March 24, 2012


Although I try to maintain a "Award Free Blog"...mainly because I am terrible at doing these kind of things...(and yes, I broke the chain letters too back in school!!) ...I am totally honoured, and flattered that my blog is sometimes mentioned. I am still totally amazed that I even have followers !! I love the blogging community, and have found so much support and encouragement here, so do want to acknowledge and thank fellow bloggers.

Anyway, first I would like to thank Cherie from I bes Cheraldine for nominating my blog for the Versatile Blogging Award. You should check out Cherie's blog...she has so much fun with her all that energy!

And Secondly, thank you to Marjorie from Marjorie's Busy Corner for "tagging " me. Here you have to answer 11 questions about yourself! So you can learn all about Marjorie by checking out her well as checking out some great quilting  (Love her applique!)

So...I will answer her questions...although it is probably more information about me than you really want to know Hahaha!

1. What got you started sewing/quilting?
I started sewing Barbie clothes when I was young, and sewed clothing for many years, but only started quilting a couple of years ago. Although, looking back, I am not sure my first couple of quilt actually count as quilting !! I just fell in love with all the fabric and beautiful colours and textures!
2. How long have you been crafting?
Not sure I am really much of a crafter, but have dabbled in a few things before quilting...tried crocheting once or twice!
3. Where did you travel to this year?
OH, I have been very lucky...I like to keep my suitcase packed and ready LOL....we have done quite a bit of travelling...Charlotte NC, St. John's Newfoundland, Scotland/England (family wedding), Phoenix (we have a place there to escape the winters!) and Maui (another great escape)
4. What is your favorite foreign food?
I probably have to say Italian....I love pasta!  or maybe Thai...mmmm or Chinese...I guess I just love food!!
5. Have you ever been to New Brunswick, Canada?
Yes I have! In fact when I was younger, my girlfriend and I toured New Brunswick, Nova Scotia  and PEI on our bikes...with a tent!!  Great, friendly and helpful people!!
6. What is your favorite on line fabric shop?
Green Fairy Quilts! Hands down! I spend way to much time browsing around pretending I am buying more!!
7. What TV show do you like; if any?
I dont enjoy a lot of the TV that is on these days..but do watch  Harry's Law ....She is so funny, outspoken, straightforward and smart! I would like to be like her...only not so grouchy hahaha!
8. Who has been a big influence in your crafting life?
tough question! I have had a lot of support and encouragement from so many fellow bloggers...everyone is very good about offering suggestions and tips. In my quilting life I would have to say that Faith from Fresh Lemon Quilts was where I had my first "Ah-ha!!" moment. I didn't know what I wanted to quilt until I saw her Lemon Squares quilt and fell in love!! 
9. Do you like working outside/gardening ?
yes, I have a backyard full of perennials, and fill my deck and doorstep with baskets of flowers in the summer! Our summers are quite short here in Canada, so we need to enjoy every minute!!
10. What is your favorite season and why?
SPRING! I love the fresh smells, the spring rains and everything coming to life again! I make daily tours of my yard to see what is peeking through the ground! 
11. What is the one crafty item you really want to make one day?
I think that would be a "Dresden Plate" quilt. I have an old one that I think my grandmother made, and would love to make one like it. I have gotten as far as buying the easy Dresden ruler!

ok..that is everything I have to tell you. Thanks for listening!


  1. You do have a wonderful blog :D
    I enjoyed your answers to the questions. I can imagine you making Barbie clothes when you were a little girl.

  2. Great answers! The tagging thing gives you more insight into the blogger. Ah barbie clothes...I still haven't made any clothing items...maybe I should find a pattern....any beginner recommendations? =D

  3. Do the Dresden!!! Theya re so easy and soooo pretty. : )
    with many finished dresdens not yet attached to anything...


Please leave a comment or just say hello....It's nice to know I am not talking to myself!