Friday, June 1, 2012

needle case creation

I have been carrying around the supplies I need for my needle turn project in a little bag, but stuck the pins and needles into a scrap of FMQ practice to keep them together....

Now I have to admit...that is pretty shabby...especially for a quilter!! So I decided to "pretty up" the case for my pins and needles. Of course I probably could have checked out blogland and found lots of turorials...but where is the fun in that???

So , with no particular plan in mind....I decided to start with some scraps...a 5" x7" scrap of material, with a bit of batting folded double...

I just pressed a 1/4 " seam allowance under and stitches around the edges.

Then I got some more scraps fabric and cut a piece about 18" long and 12" wide, folded lengthwise,  and a piece of batting 18"x 6"

I layered the batting under one half of the fabric, and  positioned the little needle pad,

 then decided to add a little pocket to keep my little scissors in there too. I think I need to add a little ribbon tie or something, because the scissors do tend to slide out.  mmmm will think about that one.

I folded the fabric over in half lengthwise, and turned the edges and stitched all the way around..

Then folded the end of the fabric up and stitched the sides, to make a little pocket for my thimble and extra needles...

I added a magnetic snap closure.  I ordered these off the internet, and I wish I remembered where I got them because they are really fantastic magnetic fasteners!!

So I can roll this up..

and ..

snap it shut!!

I am feeling pretty happy about my prettied up needle case!

So I am going to link this up to TGIFF ....over at Quokka Quilts!


  1. Great case, Flo! I definitely need to make one of these -- thanks for sharing how you made it too!

  2. That looks great! Awesome job creating it yourself =D

  3. Oooh, lovely! I wish you remembered where you found those snaps too cos they look great!

  4. Very pretty sewing case, thankyou for sharing.


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