Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Work in progress..Salt Air!

Play time !!
I am cutting into my Salt Air these colors.

[And don\t forget to enter my giveaway for my 200  follower milestone HERE.]

Anyway.....I am just making little bricks ..

 I cut 5" pieces out of the jelly roll..

and added some plain "natural"  2 1/2" blocks on the ends...

then sewing them all together...

And..I have been very good about trimming up my scraps and adding them to my "granny square" basket!!

It is going together very quickly, and I really like the colours in this line..Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket! I think I am going to like this one!!

So to link up to TN&TN


  1. I love that pattern and made it once too. I'm actually thinking of making it again someday only larger than the table topper I made.

  2. I made a baby quilt with salt air and bella porcelain - natural colors pair so well with that fabric! i can't wait to see your finished quilt!

  3. Oh, this is going to be a pretty brick quilt!

  4. These 'modern' colours are so cheery! I must make a point of going out too look at some of the lastest fabric lines, even if I don't buy -- how could I resist tho!

  5. I just got my package of salt air and can't wait to start using it, maybe I'll wait and see how your pattern turns out!!

  6. Oooh, I hadn't heard of Salty Air. Looks great, Flo!

  7. Your quilt top is looking lovely. Have fun playing with that beautiful fabric!

  8. Such a great fabric choice! Good idea for keeping those scraps for granny squares =D

  9. Hi again Flo....thanks for stopping by and commenting on the quilt...I think I will love this one!! My mail is only on my desktop it is too slow right now to answer comments....I have no patience with so here I

  10. I love Salt Air. I made a quilt for my oldest son out of Salt Air. He loved it. I look forward to seeing your quilt top when you finish. Looks great so far!

  11. Makes me think of salt water taffy. Lovely

  12. That pattern is just what I needed! Hope my version will come out as lovely as yours....


Please leave a comment or just say hello....It's nice to know I am not talking to myself!