Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Work in Progress Wednesday

Well, it is a New Year! And even though I did not make New Year's resolutions, I am going to try to get some of my UFO's finished before I move on to new fun stuff. Not that this isn't fun, but I do get a bit bored, and wander off to try something different sometimes!  But, come to think of it...... I have quite a few WIP so I can still jump from one thing to another LOL!

So today is Work in Progress Day over at Lee's blog, Freshly Pieced  I think it is starting again today!

and also at The Needle and Thread Network!

So what am I working on? Right now...I am doing the FM quilting on "Paris"

I have stayed with my old fall back pattern, the echoed teardrops...

I now have a little folding table that I keep beside my sewing table. It holds the weight of the quilt as I am working...

This makes a huge difference! I still need to stop and manoeuvre the quilt frequently,but it doesn't drag so much ......especially this one because it is big.. (about 104" square, I think) .

I am still having occasional problems with the thread shredding!

I have changed the needle, rethreaded the machine (like a million times!), checked the tension, and yes Monika....I remembered to close the needle plate this time :)!
I am using Gutterman thread. If it was the thread, I would think it would happen more
If any of you more experienced quilters has any other suggestions, I would be happy to hear them!!

Sometimes I think it happens when I inadvertently sew over a thick part of the quilt, with several layers at a seam. I try not to do that ..but with my superior FMQ still happens sometimes!

It doesn't happen a lot, and I may sew for half and hour without it shredding, then it does it again. I am not sure if I am pulling on the quilt, or if I am getting tired...or if my sewing machine is getting tired ?? I even tried slowing the speed down a little thinking that might help, or at least make sure that I am not sewing over those thick seams.

Of course as I am sewing, there is a little voice in my head that keeps saying ..."the thread is going to break now....the thread is going to break now..."  And I swear that the minute that little voice starts saying "hey, this is going good, maybe  it's OK now!"...ZING...there it goes again!! Do you think my sewing machine can hear that little voice in my head????

Don't forget to check out my Anniversary Celebration Give Away ! Entry closes on Thurs Jan 5, so better get your name in there~!!


  1. I was having the same problem with some metallic thread I was using to machine applique a pillow top. I found that if I sewed for more than 1/2 hour at a time,it would shred. If I stopped for about 10 minutes between each 1/2 hour session, it would be ok. Which is horrible when you're on a roll and want to get the project finished.

  2. I know you said you changed the needle right? could have a burr on the needle, or something near the bobbin case that's shredding it.
    did you try a completely different spool of thread?sometimes you just get a fluke...
    maybe take the bobbin case out and run your fingers or maybe a strip of batting over the edges and see if anything catches where it's not supposed to?
    metallic threads are different, I heard from a YLI rep a while ago that metallic threads are actually flat so you need a needle when there eye is a rectangle at the top, so more flat, so the thread doesn't fold or get caught.
    I don't know I'm just thinking out loud here. I long arm quilt and just think about the few times I've had it happen, though it was often thread breaking, not shredding, shredding you have a burr or something getting caught. You know the other day my domestic was acting up and I found out that the prong inside the machine ( like step 3 when you thread the machine) the one that's hidden and it's long and goes up and down, I looked in there and some thread had wound it's way around the hole, so the thread I was using then wasn't working right, I had to take the machine apart and get it out, or maybe I used a small crochet hook, I can't remember now. hope any of these help- clean out your lint too! in the bobbin case and behind the bobbin area- taking the cover off and vacuuming in there, it's amazing how much lint is in there and what a difference it makes after you clean it.

  3. Hmm, you know what, I have a spool of Gunterman that I am having the same issue with... I have never had this happen with 'good' thread before, but it is quite frustrating.

  4. I'm no expert by any stretch, but I would try a different spool of thread. It could be old thread (even if you just bought it, it could have been in the store for a while). Lovely quilting.

    I have to ask, how do you like your Janome Horizon? I've been thinking about getting one.

  5. I know you said you changed your needle, but what kind of needle are you using? Is it a quiltng needle or a universal one?

    I've found that there is a difference between Gutterman and some of the better thread such as Precencia or Aurifil. Since Gutterman is carried at the big box stores they can be old, which messes with the quality. I found Gutterman left quite a bit more fuzz in my machine than the other threads I named. I would try another brand and see if it's still happening. Then you will know if it's the actual thread or the machine.

  6. Love your Paris quilt.
    Seems the machine I use for quilting is very particular about the thread I use. Trying METTLER now, but I'm not sure I've found the machine's favorite, yet. haha.

  7. bigger needle. Topstitch 90/12.
    : )

    Your quilting is gorgeous!!! Can I hire you? really...
    accross the pond from you.

  8. I hand quilt so I have no idea about your issue. However, that being said, my friends and I will not use Gutterman for hand quilting - we have learned the hard way. It tangles - this would be the Gutterman quilt thread. It's OK for garment sewing.
    I agree with Monika though, try a bigger needle. We had a rep from Superior Threads at our guild and this is what I remember her saying. Check out their web site - although they have way too much info there, maybe you can figure out what's wrong if you still have problems later on.

  9. I had this happen with a Gutterman thread a couple of months ago, maybe there were some bad batches?

  10. Happy to have found you through WIP Wed. Sorry about your thread. I'll be watching the comments as I have no clue and am curious. That echoed teardrop pattern is gorgeous! I'd like to try it... Thanks for sharing... ooxx`jodi

  11. Do you have a post on your echoed teardrop quilting technique?

  12. Hi \Flo...I love your teardrop echoes...lovely quilting....have you tried changing the needle? I know how frustrating it is when this is happening.
    I don't do this enough to really know, but I started using a quilting needle instead of ordinary one...or maybe just needs a new needle??
    Just an idea.....good luck...I had thread problems today; and OMG!! I had forgot to put the presser foot how is that going to

  13. Hi flo, the fmqlooks amazing, as usual! Hope that the thread thing resolves itself with all the suggestions, I vote for the larger needle, maybe even a size 14 denim/jeans needle, and scmetz is my favorite brand!,,

  14. I have a Horizon too and love it! Lovely teardrop quilting.

    I haven't had the thread issue you're having on mine (yet), but if it were happening to me I'd check the bobbin case and try a larger sized quilting needle and see how that goes.

  15. I have had this happen as well . Have you tried using sewers aid on the thread I find that this dose help. You have to wipe out the bobbin case after you use it if there is any residue left behind. I also think the thread just has to break when things look like they are going too smooth too.
    Your stitching looks great.

  16. I have the same machine, and totally agree with Monika, use a 90/14 topstitch needle. My thread shredded when I did not, just like yours. I love your echo teardrop, I have never tried it and it is so pretty.

  17. Your quilting looks wonderful! I have been having problems with Gutterman thread lately as well. Not just shredding and breaking but with lint build up too. I think that the quality just isn't what it was and that they didn't think we would notice!

  18. Your quilting pattern is beautiful. I need to try some new techniques and this is inspiring!!! Funny, I have my fall back loopy/puzzle technique and feel in a rut too. MUST BE BRAVE!!!


Please leave a comment or just say hello....It's nice to know I am not talking to myself!