Wednesday, April 24, 2013

batting bears!

Isnt this little bear just the cutest??

It is made totally of scraps! Scrap flannel from some Christmas p.j.'s....and stuffed TOTALLY with scraps from trimming and leftover bits of batting!  And I hand sewed on little felt eyes and nose.

This was a great idea from Making Rebecca Lynne.
Many of you may know and follow Rebecca Lynne ...she recently posted a about her "project fill a bear". You can read all about it here.  What a great idea!! I always hated throwing away all those little scraps, and in fact had a whole tub full of bits of now I have a plan....make bears!!

I wish I could tell you that I had a fantastic bear pattern...but I dont! The one I used, I found on the internet, and it was NOT EASY!! I have been sewing for many,many, many years, and still couldn't get this thing together! I tried a making it a second time, hoping I would have learned from my mistakes...but the pattern is terrible in terms of the directions. (I won't mention any names here!!) For example, she refers to pieces by piece number...but the pieces DONT HAVE NUMBERS!!  Even though I had to fudge some of the seams, and it didn't fit together well, once it was stuffed, it did look pretty cute!

So my plan is to keep one of these little guys beside my cutting table, and just keep adding scraps to it until it is full. My daughter works for the Childrens Cottage Society in Calgary, so I am hoping they will be able to find a home for these little fuzzy friends.

Rebecca Lynne was kind enough to give me the pattern number for her bear. She says it is a very old pattern (Simplicity 8418 Teddy Bears) but I will try to look for it...or at least another better pattern.  Or maybe I will just keep working with this crazy pattern and figure out how to fix it!! I hate being defeated by a piece of paper!! LOL

so I guess that is my WIP...

so lets link up to TN&TN

and Lee's WIP Wed.

                                          GRAB A BUTTON


  1. Lovely idea - there are so many easy bear patterns with the pattern cos. (simplicity has a few) that it might just be easier to go with one of those - for me I hate stressful sewing, we want it fun.

  2. My Granny used to do this...she would fill throw pillows with leftover batting and small scraps of fabric that were too small to quilt with!

  3. I do love your little bears... too bad the pattern is so hard. I wonder if Project Linus would take some? I don't think I'll be making any. I have sooooo many quilts on my bucket list.

  4. Very cute...that's a very good idea:)

  5. Love this! It is the perfect solution to all the bits we always have lying around... I only found the pattern on Amazon but I'm going to go to my local JoAnns to see what other patterns they have out there in their vintage section!


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