Monday, May 28, 2012

tote bag blunder

Some days I just don't pay attention to what I am doing! Do you ever have days like that??
I have been making a few more tote bags...and in a moment of fog..
....I cut the corners out of the wrong end of the fabric!

So the corners were actually at the top of the bag, where the front pocket flap joins on! Yikes!
I just about threw the whole thing away, I was pretty frustrated!

But then I decided to cut it down, and use what I could out of it.  And this is what it ended up like...It is about 10" high, and 9" wide...

I added a little touch of fun with these buttons..
Bird Buttons

They are from Button Mad.  I just love them. And even more special...they are handmade by women in South Africa. Check out their web page, it is a great story!

I think they added just the right amount of whimsy...and made up for the bag being chopped down to miniature size !!


  1. Oh gosh...we have all been there!! The bag looks the little're doing a great job with them.

  2. the bag looks good you fixed it in such a way that I can't see where your mistake would have been!

  3. No blunder, that's called creative genius and a new style is born. I have been making simple totes, will post the end of the month. While making them, the thought has crossed my mind---"are these the right corners?" So far, no creative genius on my part.

  4. Aw flo, I think it will work fine! There's a different size bag that's useful for different purposes, or for different people,

  5. those buttons and a great job on the bag! Love it!

  6. Oh, your blunder turned into a wonderful new tote! And I love those little bird buttons - they do add the right touch of love.

  7. Every now and then you need a push out of your comfort zone. So this was a very hard push but look how successfully it turned out.

  8. Obviously your blunder worked out beautifully!

  9. So glad you didn't through it away and managed to salvage it. Such cute little buttons =D

  10. every mistake is just an opportunity to be creative and I love the results and you are right - the buttons are perfect!

  11. It looks gorgeous! I love the buttons!

  12. I love that line of buttons. Ever since I got interested in polymer clay, I'm seeing buttons everywhere!


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