Wednesday, June 6, 2012

appliqué update

Well, I didn't get much work done on my appliqué project last week, because I drove to Calgary to help my son and soon to be daughter in law with wedding plans.
But here is where it is so far...

I took my finished blocks into the quilt guild meeting to show "advisor"...and got a nod of approval! Yes, I must be doing ok!!

This will be a long term project, but nice to have something to take along in a suitcase. The finished quilt top should look like this....except the FMQ will likely not be as impressive LOL.

So that is my work in progress...and it will continue to be in progress for a long time to come LOL

and Lee's at Freshly Pieced..


  1. This is so pretty! I'm in awe of such lovely applique. The colors and design are so happy!

  2. Beautiful block! I just love applique but don't do it as often as I'd like! It's so relaxing, well, for the most part! Are you doing this needle-turn?


  3. Your block turned out so lovely! I like applique too and look forward to the day when I have more time to do it! Like you, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt, lol!

  4. Block is lovely Flo; now you know your quilting will be gorgeous too.

  5. That looks great so far. Good job for sticking with it =D

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog. Feel free to stop by and enter (if you haven't already) =D

  6. that quilt is going to be amazing - more of an endurance project than a sprint but that is okay - happy stitching!

  7. Looking good! I'm sure that live nod of approval felt pretty good in addition to all the online nods you are getting!

  8. beautiful block, I have been dreaming of a similar project... one day.

  9. You've got so much done already!! It looks great. Good job.

  10. Great looking block. Your project looks calming even from here.


Please leave a comment or just say hello....It's nice to know I am not talking to myself!