Sunday, June 3, 2012

Exciting news!

Well, exciting news for me anyway!!  My son is getting married!

He and his girlfriend have just returned from a backpacking trip around Europe, and have announced their engagement. This is them..we are toasting the engagement at brunch!

They are having a very small wedding in July, just the immediate family. I think it will be a very special, very personal wedding. It is going to be outside in a park, and then a dinner and cocktails in a "barn" that is on the property used mostly for weddings. I have been helping out with some of the planning, although they are doing this pretty much on their own. The wedding will have a country casual feel.  I will be sewing the table runners and chair ties- made of burlap!  I guess burlap is a big thing right now for weddings.

There will be candles, lanterns and mason jars filled with flowers on the tables.

And then, if that is not enough excitement, my son has been accepted into University in England! So soon after the wedding, they will be packing and moving to England for 2 years..lots of change. And gives me a good excuse to go to England for a visit...or two!


  1. congratulations! what an exciting time and yes you very much need to plan a trip to England seeing as you will have family there, perfect time for a trip!!

  2. Congratulations! If a couple can survive a backpacking trip together you know it was a match made in heaven! Love the burlap. Can you imagine if someone suggested burlap 20 years ago? and yet it looks absolutely gorgeous. You will definitely have to post wedding pictures!

  3. Congratulations! Look forward to hearing more about the wedding plans. Guess if you can backpack around Europe together you must be made for each other.

  4. Congratulations, definitely exciting news and sounds like the perfect wedding. Looking forward to seeing pictures. Have a wonderful week!!

  5. Oh congratulations to all of you Flo!! They make a lovely will miss them; but they are on a great adventure and together.

  6. congratulations!!

    weddings are very exciting :)

  7. Congratulations to them! Wow July isn't far at all. Hope all goes well. Remember to take pictures of all the things you make =D

  8. Congratulations...sounds like a fun wedding! :o)

  9. Wow - congratulations to them!!!! And congrats to your son, university in England I could swoon! Love the chairs, is that what you're going to make? SO pretty!

  10. Congratulations - all very exciting - and they look so lovely! Lots for you to enjoy in the future!


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