Wednesday, June 13, 2012

work in progress Wed

Just a few things on the go here;
working on the back for "Comfort Cove"..

The fabric (on sale half price Yahoo!!) is the same line of fabric although a different pattern than I used for the front. It is Art Gallery fabric, and really is nice to work with.  Although, looking at this picture, I remember that I vowed that I would never use stripes as backing again, because you can tell if it isn't perfectly straight!  oops!!

And I am also putting together a back for "Purple Parade"..using up some of the extra blocks..

And there is a whole bag full of burlap that I really have to get busy with..sewing the table runners and chair ties for my sons wedding!!

And I will check in and see what everyone else is doing over at the Needle and Thread Network...

and Lee's Work in Progress Wed.


  1. Looking forward to seeing Purple Parade finished :D
    Congratulations. A wedding in the future.
    I learned my lesson the first time I used stripped fabric for a backing. But I LOVE to use stripped fabric for bindings.

  2. Love the colors and I understand completely about the striped backing! I avoided those like the plague, until there was no alternative for a customer quilt. Took my time, matched everything up and it turned out great! (even if I do say so myself!) Striped backings are not my first choice but I'm no longer avoiding them!

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding!


  3. Even if you don't like to work with stripes, these stripes are very nice! I'll be curious to see the whole quilt, fron and back! Wow, your preps for the wedding! Enjoy the process because the wedding will go so fast! About the car you won, did it come from a workshop in Rosthern? I lived there for a few months and there was a woodwork shop for mentally handicapped adults and they made wooden toys....quite a small world if so ;).

    1. sorry, I cant reply Peg..(you have a no-reply blog)1
      The little car is very cute...I dont know where it came from, there was no information on it about where it was made.

  4. lovely fabric sounds like you a busy summer ahead of you!

  5. Love comfort cove Flo....and purple parade is interesting...can't wait to see it finished.

  6. Great fabric choices1 I'm sure they'll become some fantastic things =D

  7. My cousin loved stripes in quilts and I think she was the only one in the world who had a knack for them, if she didn't have striped fabric she would make stripes and then sew them into blocks or ??? To me they are a challenge I don't try often and I admire anyone who can and does...

  8. I recently learned never to use striped fabric. I made some bedroom curtains with matching bed shams and there was a lot of swearing involved:)

  9. I second and third the comments about striped backs, love them for the front, though. Good luck!


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