Tuesday, February 19, 2013

home sweet home

Well..I am home again.  We have gone from this....

to this....

But it is only -20 C (about 4 below F) !!! Help !!

But spring is just around the corner....right???

But thank you for hanging in there, waiting for me to come back to reality! As a special thank you to my followers...I have a little piece of Maui to give away!

If you are a follower, just leave me a comment...telling me where you would like to be right now! (Maui is a great choice btw.... LOL)

Open to ALL follower!
Please be sure that I can contact you....no email...no prize..sorry.
I will pick a random winner on Sunday , Feb 24! good luck!


  1. Welcome home! I think anywhere but here would be lovely...lol

  2. Welcome Home! I'm content were I am and spring is around the corner - a large flock of robins are in the yard today.

  3. Welcome home Flo - I would like to be at my mum's in England!

  4. Welcome Home? I wish we were both in the Islands! Snorkling.

  5. welcome home. My wishes are not big ones, I'd like to be in a trailer we have in the country, but the park doesn't open till the end of April, which means Summer is really here.


  6. Welcome home. I was I was on a beach somewhere. Or in Vegas. I'd take either.

  7. Welcome home! I would love to be in my quilting room right now. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I want to be in my sewing room but I have a few things to do before I can do that. Glad you enjoyed Maui.

  9. Welcome home Flo. I tried to get the powers that be to start an early spring, but alas! They didn't get the memo! I would definitely like to be in Maui (I've never been!) or Phoenix or any other warm place that doesn't have snow and wind! Hope you get unpacked and back to quilting soon!

  10. Welcome home Flo.I'm sitting down stirs by a fire to stay cozy and warm...... I think I would love to visit Maui too.thanks for hosting a give away
    in stitches

    1. Welcome home, hope your winter get-away was as wonderful as your pictures. We lived on the beach of Oahu, Hawaiimfor four year in the 70,s. would love a couple weeks back there again to hear the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.

  11. Welcome back, Flo! That's a shocking change of temp! LOL! I wish I was in Costa Rica. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Maui sounds like a good place to be! Thanks for the chance!

  13. I would love to be in a cabin at Inverness Falls in front of a roaring fire. Since that's not possible right now, I'll happily spend the day in my sewing room!

  14. Well, that must be a bit depressing. We came home from the 80's in Florida at Christmas and drove into a snow storm. I wanted to bolt right back. If I could be anywhere right now...I'd be in Key West. It would be warm and the atmosphere is so much fun. I don't get there anymore because I'm always in Orlando with my daughter when in Florida!

  15. I enjoyed reading about your stay in Maui. I can't wait to go there myself! Sometimes I wonder why we choose to live in a cooler (well, colder) climate, and then I remember all the great things we do in spite of our winters!

  16. Nice to have you back Flo!! I would love to be in Maui...and love your fabric. thanks for this chance.

  17. Thanks for the giveaway, Flo. I would love to be in Hawaii right now - but can't complain - we're on our way to Vegas in a couple weeks.

  18. Welcome home, Flo. I'll have to get your itinerary from you as we are tentatively planning a trip to Maui next winter. Went there for our honeymoon and figure after 30 years it is time to go back..... Thanks for the opportunity on the draw. Happy quilting.

  19. Yes welcome home!!! I would like to be in Ireland right now doing some genealogical research with my second cousin. She's sending me lots of emails and pics with it lovely but I oh so wish I was there too:)

  20. Oh Maui looks so appealing! It is on my list of places to see now we are this side of the pond and some warm sunshine would be nice.

  21. Welcome home, Flo! I would love to be pretty much anywhere ... even a snowy somewhere else would be a refreshing change of scene. Obviously I've got a little "cabin fever". Fortunately, we leave in 2 weeks for Louisville, Kentucky and the Smokey Mountains. I expect we'll be just in time for the magnolia trees to start blooming.

    Maui looks gorgeous and I love what you've accomplished with your applique project. It's going to be fantastic! You're giveaway fabric looks beautifully tropical! *sigh* Thanks for the sharing with a lucky winner!


Please leave a comment or just say hello....It's nice to know I am not talking to myself!