Sunday, June 30, 2013

Slabs for Calgary

Thank you for all the kinds words and support you have given for my daughter, who was flooded in Calgary.

Many, many people lost their belongings in this disaster, and of course, quilters being who they are, have joined together to make quilts to give to the flood victims !! Such great people!

Anyway, Cheryl from Dining Room Empire Blog has sent out a call for "Slab Blocks". She has directions on how to make them on her page, or you can find info and directions on the Saskatoon Modern Quilt Guild page. If you are near Saskatoon, the Modern Quilt guild here is collecting them to send out.

Cheryl, and an army of volunteers in Calgary,  will put them together and quilt them.

Here is what I managed today.. they are 15.5 inch blocks

Every block helps..

They are really pretty easy and fun..and use up a pile of scraps..

Even for me, who has trouble with improv. type piecing  managed to make a few!

I don't have a ton of scraps, but still was able to pull some together....and I obviously use a lot of yellow!!


  1. The blocks look great! A feel good project all around. You get to use up some scraps and empty the stash a bit and you get to help people who need it.

  2. Your blocks look great! I have found them a bit addictive though! :)

  3. These are great, Flo. I especially like the diagonal stripes in the purple one! I think the quilts made from these will be bright and cheerful.


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