Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Work in Progress Wednesday

Well, I am keeping to my promise to myself not to buy any more fabric, till I get caught up ...a bit. But that doesn't mean that I can't start something new!!! (does it??!!)

I have "Square Dance" basted and waiting to quilt..

and another one  using the last of my "Etchings" fabric..basted and waiting to quilt...

But I just had to cut into my California Girl jelly roll, that my daughter had given me..

I paired it up with yellow background fabric. I wanted to try something different than white this time...

So far it is very cheery and sunny...California Sun??

Now to check in with the Needle and Thread Network..

And Work in Progress at Freshly Pieced...


  1. You;ve had a few finishes, so yes you can treat to something new - oh, can't wait to see the California SunShine!

  2. lots of work on the go....looking great too

  3. That California Sunshine would take some serious resistance not to spread out and cut.

  4. WOW, some lovely projects, I can hear your California Sunshine calling me!

  5. OOOhh I like that California Girl fabric! It will be a lot of fun to sew with, I bet!

  6. Some good looking quilts there! Can't wait to see the finished products! =D

  7. Some lovely work, the California sun looks wonderful!

  8. Ooh they all look yummy but I love the soft colours in the last one!

  9. yummy looking jelly roll. sew bright and sunny makes me want spring even more.
    in stitches

  10. I really love the colors in that last photo...I can't wait to see what it looks like finished. The colors just scream warm weather!

  11. I love the colours in the California's going to make a lovely quilt.

  12. Yellow is my favorite color. And I love the scrappy quilts you've got there, too!

  13. Sun bleached, soft and comfy, I can almost feel it wrapped around me on a warm summer night out on the swing in the backyard...

  14. I'm currently under fabric restriction also :)

  15. The California jelly roll and the yellow fabric looks wonderful!

  16. Interesting patterns you are using. I'm curious to see the second one better, or even finished (no pressure here, just want to encourage you).

  17. Great projects, Flo! I love that Etchings quilt. Also, I just wanted to let you know that you've been tagged - Happy Friday! :)


Please leave a comment or just say hello....It's nice to know I am not talking to myself!