Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Free to play ....with a giraffe

I am feeling a new freedom since I started making these little baby quilts! Freedom to try new things....freedom to cut up only a little bit of a fabric...it is great!

They are small, so there isn't a huge investment in fabric, or time! And besides, if a make a mistake, a baby will be the least likely of any recipient to notice or complain!! Bonus!

What am I trying now....machine appliqué!

I saw this little quilt over at  Ahhhh Quilting.   Cynthia has a free pattern with the giraffe template and all.

I used steam a seam lite to fuse the pieces down, and then machine appliqué to secure them.
I had never used the blanket stitch on my machine before, and thought that it might be difficult to stay on the edge, but it was actually quite easy.  The stitching is slower than a regular straight stitch. And I love the look on the edges...sort of a stuffed animal thing going on there...

I did get my borders mixed up, in which  order I had planned to add them, so had to do some creative correcting...but what the heck....he is still so darn cute!
I just have to find some backing, and get this little guy quilted now!

....linking up to WIP at Freshly Pieced, and TN&TN


  1. Cute! I'm so happy to see this! I really like the blanket stitch for the appliqué too! Great job!

  2. very cute...you'll love machine applique Flo..and thanks for the link...he is a cutie!!

  3. Cute baby quilt. I need to be working on one this week.

  4. How cute! Your machine applique looks very good. This size is perfect for trying techniques. Love the border on this one too.

  5. I love this method of applique, in fact I just taught a class in it about a week ago! My gramma taught me this method on a very old sewing machine way back in the early 70's... You might get a bit addicted to doing applique this way!

  6. Super giraffe , I have not tried machine blanket stitch but yours looks so goo I am inspired to

  7. very cute! baby quilts are so fun.

  8. Darn cute is an understatement!


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